Member Focus – Software Developers

Our resident member Mark Smith from Mark Andrew Smith Limited is a software designer.  Not tied in to any particular platform, nor any programming language, he over the years, has written a wide range of software.  Some familiar ones are Case Centre Pro for help desk service providers, or perhaps, Spam Safe Mail, the latter using AI to protect end users from nasty emails.

Low Cost Bespoke Software Apps

Mark realised around 2013 that small businesses needed the same software that larger corporates use, but have a smaller budget.  In devising a plan to be able to reuse software “modules” on a software rental basis, his company now can write software for any type of business and host it in the cloud for them.  This entails taking a module from that is already written, and modifying it to cater for the new business application, all at no extra cost to the client.  As the clients business grows, the software can be altered many times to cater for a change in their business model.

Software Apps

For more information on how his business can help you, or perhaps someone you know, with low cost software, have a look at… or call him on 01630 672722.