Why Join?

  • Sqr Ldr Tony PickeringMonthly networking meetings – with key speakers. Approximately once a year we have a social event in place of the regular meeting – see our Diary of Events page for more information.
  • Friendly, relaxed atmosphere which facilitates the building of lasting relationships with other member businesses.
  • Free listing promoting your products & services on this website, along with a link to your own website.
  • Regular member tweets.
  • Great food! We visit some of the best venues in Telford to enjoy a different cuisine every month as we tour Telford and spread the great name of Telford Business Club and of course our own businesses and our services.
  • No more than 1 from each trade or profession.
  • Remember, all this for £250 per year (or £25 per month by direct debit) which includes your hot meals